Tuesday, December 9, 2008

False Teachers


Anonymous said...

What about your comments about January 21st? You've spelled out a date of Armageddon. Doesn't GOD say the days will not be known?

Valano72 said...

Dear Anonymous,

I did not give the date, our leaders did. All I said is it will be likey that war or bloodshed will happen based on research I have done.

No one knows the day or hour, not even the Angels. But we are told to watch and we will know the seasons. That's the difference. =)

Valano72 said...

Also, please rmember, I was not the one who gave these dates, Jan.21st/22nd, these dates were given by Colin Powell and then 6 world leaders affirmed it within 72 hours of Joe Biden and Colin Powell's "claim" of these dates.

Anonymous said...

wow! What an amazing website! I am so excited that other believers see what I have been seeing over the past 6 months. Love the pastor on this site and I would love to visit his church. I have been looking for a church like his for years.Since they are hard to come by, God is faithful and has lead me to Dr.Scott Johnsons sermons on sermonaudio.com . I have also been blessed by Paul Washers sermons. God is calling His people out of these white washed tombs.... He is preparing thier hearts, and puting an urgentcy in them to "watch and pray" that they "may be accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before Jesus Christ."Thank you dearly for all the truth here and May God bless you all as you continue to seek Him! Your sister in Christ, Cheryl