"In most popular conspiracies, there are always some element of truth in them but are often blown out of context with human imagination and the innate need for something extroidinary in order to eliminate self evaluation."
~Val Valano
On Religion
"When people deny spiritual manifestations of other's they not only shut themselves off from such an amazing human experience, but they have limited themselves to the mundane and dry science which is an infinate cycle of limited understanding constantly being withdrawn and concluded thus; the empircle delusion removes God from people's lives. Only when God opens the eyes and ears to them, they will know what it is like to walk in the spirit instead of the mind, therefore reaching for something greater than themselves would take place."
At 2:38, is that M.C. Escher?
Great Video!
Connie, Yes, from Full metal Jacket.
第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 予想 出走馬の調子とオッズの矛盾を比較。仕組まれた枠順・・・JRAの裏情報を独占入手!一般には漏れないデータを極秘公開。昨年は3連単的中、今年も鉄板買い目で勝負を挑み結果につなげる
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