Thursday, November 6, 2008

Operation 13:9 is an Organization for Christian's and ANYONE who will not conform to the NWO. We are looking for fellow Christian's who own rural property and are willing to offer it for others as a place of refuge. Our members are not free loaders! We bring our own supplies and work together as a family. I urge you to read the link at the top of this page. The website gives insight to scripture which proves the "remnant in the wilderness" are Christian's!
Although many of our Leaders are presently plotting their refuges in areas of National Forest, private property is more ideal. The bible tells us that the length of time in the wilderness is 1260 days which comes to 3.5 years, exactly the midpoint in tribualtion, when the Abomination of Desolation occurs in Israel, which is the time to flee.
We are recruiting leaders in areas throughout the country and they in turn organize groups to unite under One People, One God, and One Kingdom who share this morale. We choose to die in the name of our Lord when and if we are faced with that decision, not taking the Mark of the Beast as to not denounce our Savior. However, in Revelation 13:9 which is the core of the Operation, we refuse to go into captivity (following the direction of government officials into these concentration camps) in the end days. Many Christian’s and others are fearful of these concentration camps and about where to go when the Mark of the beast begins to get distributed, so Operation 13:9 was developed to unite these people with a place to go.
If you are interested in becoming a member contact me. Camps are springing up everywhere across the nation! Many people are coming forward and offering their properties. We are strong, we are united and we are family.
We have International camps in place but need more domestic ones. On American soil, there will be thousands taking to the hills, but many without enough to survive for long, that’s where Operation 13:9 steps in. We will be preparing long before Martial Law and when the country goes on lock down, we will flee to our Safe Camps and unite. Several people offer a variety of talents and skills making our Camps beneficial. Some specialize in vegetation, labor, management, natural medicine, herbs and horticulture, butchers, gardeners, farmers and the list goes on. So, why go to a Safe Camp? We will not be able to live in society, work, buy food or anything unless we take that Mark.
Don't despair if you don't own property, sign up with us and we will inform you when one becomes available in your area if there isn't one already.

How to Cast Out Demons

Do you suffer from anger, addiction, temptations of the flesh, depression or hatred? Chances are, you have a demon. With end times vastly approaching, demons will be working in overdrive to defeat God's children. Click on the COMMENTS tab and read how to effectively cast out demonic oppression AND home demons!

Words of Encouragement

Please post your words of encouragement for those who may be frightened. Sometimes it helps people to read positive thoughts during such critical times such as these. I believe there should be unification instead of fear mongering because there is hope for us.... The return of our Savior.

Dead Sea Scrolls

What are the most compelling scenerios on the Book of Enoch? Do you think the Nephilim and the UFO can be connected? CLICK ON COMMENT TO READ AN PORTION OF THE BOOK.

Concentration Camps in America

Have you seen any of these camps? Why do you think these are in our country? Are you aware that foriegn troops are on American soil and are being trained by the United Nations? THIS IS A MUST READ, CLICK ON COMMENT.


Who do you think the Anti-Christ is and why? Please back up your claim through scripture and current world events.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What We Do

Who We Are